To protect your teeth and gums from the risks of oral accidents or injuries, an effective safety equipment utensil that can often be inserted into your mouth is a mouth guard. Mouth guards can be customized for your smile and provide an additional level of oral health care protection to ensure your smile can thrive deep into the latter years of your life.
When selecting a mouth guard, it does not need to be a complex process. You can either have one custom made for you by your dentist or purchase one preformed ready-to-wear from a local store. Once you have selected your mouth guard, always make sure your care for it on a daily basis. This includes keeping it safe from damage that can occur. Always store it in a safe location that is free of moisture and never leave it in the sun or hot water. If it should become damaged, replace it as needed. In addition, avoid using overly abrasive products on it. For additional help with mouth guard selection and care, speak with your dentist.
If you are looking to restore your smile with mouth guards, contact Dr. Tatyana Kolodner and our team at Dr. Kolodner Dental Group Inc.. Contact us by calling 818-761-9526 to set up a reservation to see us at our office in Studio City, California.